Saturday 18 January 2014

 The turnout for the meeting on Thursday wasn't stellar, consisting of myself and Bee, along with (for a period) Joe who is a creative writer. It was nevertheless very worthwhile to touch base and have an experienced puppeteer handle the puppets and give feedback. It was also a pleasure to examine a couple of Bee's puppets, which moved in a very satisfying way and were of quite a different style to the ones I have thus far fabricated.

After Thursdays meeting I have decided to first develop the comb faced puppet. There is a small range of characters tied into this aesthetic and the theme is plastic enough for us to play around with it. The comb puppet in its current 'sketch' form also has the advantage of needing only two puppeteers, and as Bee and myself are hoping to begin meeting more regularly to work towards a project we can get started with it straight away while we await the expansion of the team.

The image we are are working with at the moment is that this little guy is much smaller and scruffier than the other comb characters, who are taller and more elegant and aristocratic. This small ragged character could have more interaction with the audience perhaps crawling up to them begging for scraps or climbing up their legs. The rod style arms, controlled from the elbow, would allow the possibility of some finger movement, which is what I have been having a play with today.
Expect a slowdown of productivity this weekend, as I am in London for much of it, in order to see Phillipe Genty's 'Ne M'Oublie pas'. I'm very much looking forward to the show and hopefully will have something interesting to say about it on Monday!

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